Life is full of things that are annoying or that are cause for concern. Sometimes the things are little; sometimes they are major. This blog will address things that surface for the writer.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Anxiety Thing # 1 -Tim Hortons Drivethrus

As I have travelled across this country, the one trait common to all cities and towns is Tim Horton's with their drivethru. It is not that the drivethru promotes laziness by allowing people to get their sugar fix without even having to move out of their vehicles that I find to be anxiety producing. It is not that the drivethru is given preference in service over the walk in customers that I find to be an annoying thing. The annoying thing is that there are, waiting to get into the drivethru, lines of cars and trucks on both sides of the street that, in some cases, effectively block traffic and, in all cases, provide a traffic hazard. I find it difficult to believe that City Councils and the RCMP (or Municipal Police forces) allow this hazard to exist. But I guess it is business providing tax money and the police are big customers of Tim Horton's. Each morning, as I bike to work, I need to go through the maze of trucks that are lined up at one of these outlets (the reason that most of these guys own pickups will probably be the subject of a later annoyance). Traffic is at a standstill because the street is blocked by these sugar craving condom drivers. And it is always anxiety producing! You can see the anxiety and anger in the faces of the drivers who are caught.

Things That Annoy Me

As I go through life I keep coming across little things that annoy me; things that other people do; habits that other people have; sounds that are irritating - things that cause me to laugh at myself for being annoyed after I have a chance to think about them. I thought I'd start writing them down. My goal is to post one a day (sort of like "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"). I might be surprised at the final tally and result. If I get too annoyed with this process, I will just delete the blog. Now isn't that a sense of power for there is no possibility of deleting the people that do annoying things. In those cases, my only option is to walk away. If this becomes an annoying thing, I can press the delete button. Let's see how many annoying things me I come up with.